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Website Updates

December 28, 2002
  • Seventeen or Bust found its fifth prime number, 54767*2^1337287+1 (402,569 digits), on December 22, 2002. This is the seventh-largest known prime number.
  • began beta testing its client internally on December 20, 2002. Over the next few weeks, some of the external volunteers will be invited to beta test the client.
  • stats for ECC2-109 are available as of December 24, 2002
  • Community TSC will stop crunching its PTEN and PI3K protein targets at the end of 2002. It will start crunching revised PTEN and PI3K targets and new FRAP and EIF4E targets within the next few weeks.
  • version 1.7.1 of the ZetaGrid client is available as of December 27, 2002. This version incorporates many bug fixes and significant new features (such as support for teams, performance improvement, more stats, and easier installation).
  • version 1.0.6 of the Grub client is available for Windows as of December 23, 2002. This version and two previous versions fix some important bugs. Version 1.0.4 of the client is available for Linux as of December 12, 2002.
  • new upcoming project: Astropulse. The client (and the BOINC platform on which it will run) is undergoing limited beta testing as of December, 2002
  • pre-release version 2.9001.478 clients for are available for Solaris, AIX, and some flavors of Linux as of December 23/24, 2002
  • on December 17, 2002, ChessBrain completed its first distributed game of chess without human intervention. This is a big step toward beginning Phase 2 of the project. Over the next few weeks 100 volunteers will help test the Phase 2 client further.
  • in December, 2002, a new glide record was found in the 3x + 1 Problem. This is the first glide record found in almost a year. The record occurs at 180352,746940,718527. The new glide is 1575, an improvement of 104 over the previous record.
  • a Yahoo! discussion group has been opened for talk about Fermat numbers and the projects based on them, like the Distributed Search for Fermat Number Divisors
  • stats updates for most projects
December 18, 2002
  • SETI@home published newsletter #16, "Magical frames of reference and signal," on December 17, 2002
  • pre-release version 2.9001.478 clients for are available for several platforms as of December 17, 2002. Release candidate version 2.9001.478 clients are available for some flavors of Linux, NetBSD, IRIX, and Acorn RISC OS as of December 17, 2002.
  • the Distributed Proofreaders project website completed a major overhaul on December 14, 2002. The web-based proofreading tools have a lot of great features from the old Windows client plus some new ones, and users have more options for viewing stats.
  • new news article: an update on the features and capabilities of Sun Grid Engine
December 16, 2002
  • version 1.7.0 of the ZetaGrid client is available as of December 12, 2002. This version is 20% more efficient for Windows users due to better compiler optimization, and it allows you to configure memory usage to improve performance by about 35%. Also, the project now supports teams.
  • version 2.0f of the DClient client is available as of December 11, 2002
  • Minimal Equal Sums of Like Powers project members made two big discoveries recently: the largest (6,2,5) result on December 13, 2002, and a new upper limit for Taxicab(6) on December 8, 2002
  • Seventeen or Bust now has enough computing power (1.3 THz) to rank it 33rd among the world's 50 most powerful computers
  • new news article: an overview of bioinformatics and a mention of grid/distributed computing's role in it
December 12, 2002
  • Seventeen or Bust found its fourth prime number, 69109*2^1157446+1 (348,431 digits), on December 7, 2002
  • Linux and Solaris clients are available for ECC2 (I compiled the Solaris executable myself). You can probably compile the source code for other Unix platforms without too much work.
  • version 1.20j of the Find-a-Drug client is available as of December 10, 2002
  • a small bug in the recent update of the Distributed Folding client may cause the error.log log file to grow large quickly. You can delete the log file if it grows too large. The client has been updated to prevent the log from growing larger than 1 MB. This fix will be distributed in the next client auto-update, or you can download the fixed client from the website now. Also, the recent fix for the BeOS client is no longer needed. If you are running this client and still see errors, see the website for details on how to replace the client.
  • Folding@home will start distributing new Gromacs work units in the next few weeks. Also, it has greatly improved the speed of its stats database.
December 10, 2002
  • Distributed Folding switched to its next protein, 135L (Test 2), on December 10, 2002. Please make sure your client has updated if you are participating in the project.
  • pre-release version 2.9001.478 clients and pre-release build 332 personal proxies for are available for several platforms
  • version 2.3 of the electric sheep client is in Beta testing as of December 10, 2002
  • version 1.20j of the Find-a-Drug client is in Beta testing as of December 6, 2002
  • NFSNET completed sieving of 6^257-1 on December 8, 2002, and has begun the next stages of factorization for that number. It also began work on 5^289+1, another most wanted Cunningham number, on December 8. As of December 9, sieving is 8.7% complete.
  • D2OL will be releasing some new protein targets soon
  • new news article: Gateway plans to sell the computing power of the demo PCs in its stores
December 9, 2002
  • Seventeen or Bust found its third prime number, 44131*2^995972+1 (299,823 digits), on December 6, 2002
  • completely redesigned its website on December 9, 2002. The public beta of its client should begin on December 13, 2002, and run for three to four months. The project should begin around March, 2003.
  • version 1.12 of the Triangles client is available as of December 7, 2002. It improves existing features, so you don't have to upgrade from 1.11 unless you want to.
  • Distributed Folding will switch to its next protein on Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at about noon EST (about 5 PM UTC). Also, a Windows Media Player ASF file of a November 27, 2002 television interview with the project coordinators is available for download from the project website.
  • United Devices released a CDK-2 (Human Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2) protein, 1AQ1, into production for its LigandFit project
  • SETI@home's project timeline for future projects was updated on December 2, 2002

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