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Active Distributed Computing Projects - Puzzles/Games

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Project Information Project % Complete Major Supported Platforms
ChessBrain logo ChessBrain "seeks to create a massive chess playing computer by utilizing the idle processing power of networked machines." This project is an experiment "to allow internet-connected computers to work together to play a game of chess." On December 17, 2002, the project completed its first distributed game of chess without human intervention. The project's current record of total active machines, set on January 30, 2004, is 2,070.

Stage one of the project completed on August 9, 2002. 63,261,631 jobs were completed by 265 Peernode operators for this stage.

Stage two of the project began on March 1, 2003.

"On January 30th 2004, ChessBrain became the first distributed network to play a game against a single human opponent and earned an official Guinness World Record for 'the largest networked chess computer' in history!" 2,070 machines from over 50 countries competed against one chess Grand Master. The game ended in a draw. As of September 1, 2004, this record is an official 2005 Guiness World Record for "The World's Largest Networked Chess Computer."

The project software is available as a GUI client for Windows and as a command-line client for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and FreeBSD. Version 3.0126.02 of the Windows graphical client is available as of January 26, 2004. Version 3.0129.01 of the Linux command-line client is available as of January 29, 2004. Version 3.0124.01 of the Mac OSX command-line client is available as of January 24, 2004. The Linux client can be run on FreeBSD (if you have Linux binary compatibility loaded under FreeBSD).

ongoing Windows 32
Chess960@home Help Chess960@home use distributed computing to play Chess 960, a variant of traditional chess in which "the initial configuration of the chess pieces is determined randomly: that means that the king, the queen, the rook, the bishop and the knight are not necessarily placed on the same home squares." This variant has 960 possible starting positions. The project is in the alpha phase of testing as of June 28, 2006.

The project added its 3000th game to its database on September 24, 2006.

The project uses the BOINC computing platform. See the BOINC platform information for the latest version of the BOINC client.

ongoing Windows 32
Eternity2.fr Help Eternity2.fr solve the Eternity II puzzle and win a prize of US$1,000,000. Note that to participate in this project you must purchase an Eternity II puzzle and create some piece definition files to prove you own the puzzle. US$2,000,000 will be awarded to the person who solves the puzzle. If this project solves the puzzle, the project owners will split the prize 50/50 with the project participant who finds the solution.

On January 15, 2009, the project announced that, although the puzzle remains unsolved, Tomy has awarded a US$10,000 runner-up prize to Anna Karlsson from Lund in Sweden for the highest-scoring nearly-solved puzzle submitted so far. Anna placed all 256 pieces so that the colours and patterns matched in 467 out of 480 possible places on the Eternity II board. The US$2,000,000 prize is still available as of March 30, 2009.

To participate in the project, follow the instructions on the download page. Version 2.2 of the application is available for Windows and Linux as of March 25, 2008.

Join a discussion forum about the project.

unknown Windows 32
paid project

Sudoku Help Sudoku find the minimum sudoku puzzle (i.e. find the minimum amount of number clues that need to be given for a sudoku puzzle in order to generate a puzzle with a unique solution).

The project uses the BOINC computing platform. See the BOINC platform information for the latest version of the BOINC client. The project runs the Sudoku application within the BOINC client. Version 5.37 of the application is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX as of October 12, 2007.

Join a discussion forum about the project.

1,900,700 total credits Windows 32
NQueens Help NQueens Project solve the n queens puzzle. The puzzle involves placing n queens on an n×n chessboard(n >= 4) such that no queen is able to capture any other queen using the standard chess queen's moves. The project is searching for solutions to the puzzle for board sizes n = 19 and larger. See more information about the project.

See the project's current results.

The project uses the BOINC computing platform. See the BOINC platform information for the latest version of the BOINC client. The project runs the "NQueen@Home Project" application within the BOINC client. Version 5.10 of the application is available for Windows and Linux as of October 22, 2007.

Join a discussion forum about the project.

899,399 total credits Windows 32
Help Reversi find "ultra-weak" solutions for the game Reversi (also known as Othello). No winning strategy for the game is known except for the simplest cases.

The project uses the BOINC computing platform. See the BOINC platform information for the latest version of the BOINC client. Version 3.01 of the project's "Reversi game solver" application is available for Windows as of May 16, 2008. Version 3.02 is available for Linux as of May 18, 2008.

Join a discussion forum about the project.

1,884,229 total credits Windows 32
Help the Optimal Solution Finder find optimal solutions for various puzzle games:
The CCL Game "A viral game made by Kerb to advertise the company CCL Computers. ... The game is based on The Incredible Machine. The object of the game is to move packages across a warehouse to the exit by placing conveyor belts, fans, and springs on a grid. The CCL Game contains 7 levels. The game ends if a level has not been solved after 10 attempts."
The CCL Winter Game Similar to The CCL Game.
Puzz Pinball  
Sony Pinball  
This project uses efficient searching algorithms to find optimal solutions to games "which have a finite number of solutions and for which source code is available. A solution is optimal if it uses the least number of objects required to find a solution."

To participate in the project, download a distributed.zip file from the project web page, then unzip the Project folder and run distributed.exe. You can specify a username and a team name if you wish to track your stats on the project website. You can run multiple copies of distributed.exe if your computer has more than 1 processor. The program will only use idle CPU time. When the program finishes testing a set of combinations, it will send the results to this server and request a new set. Version 1.3 and later of the program will automatically update itself for future version updates. Version 2 and later of the program will not automatically exit if it can't communicate with the project server. Version 1.3 and later also automatically runs on all available CPUs on your system. Version 2.0 of the client software is available as of July 16, 2009.

The CCL Game and The CCL Winter Game: 278 optimal solutions found for 32 of 34 levels;
Puzz Pinball and Sony Pinball: 847 optimal solutions have been found for 28 of 36 levels
Windows 32

The following icons may appear in the Supported Platforms section of the table:
dialup-friendlythis project is good for users with dialup Internet access
paid projectthis is a for-pay project
Windows 32this project runs on the Windows 32-bit platform
Linuxthis project runs on the Linux platform
MacOSthis project runs on the Mac OS platform
Solaristhis project runs on the Solaris platform
