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Active Distributed Computing Projects - Puzzles/Games

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See the bottom of this page for a description of the icons on the page.

Project Information Project % Complete Major Supported Platforms
ChessBrain logo ChessBrain "seeks to create a massive chess playing computer by utilizing the idle processing power of networked machines." This project is an experiment "to allow internet-connected computers to work together to play a game of chess." On December 17, 2002, the project completed its first distributed game of chess without human intervention. The project's current record of total active machines, set on January 30, 2004, is 2,070.

Stage one of the project completed on August 9, 2002. 63,261,631 jobs were completed by 265 Peernode operators for this stage.

Stage two of the project began on March 1, 2003.

"On January 30th 2004, ChessBrain became the first distributed network to play a game against a single human opponent and earned an official Guinness World Record for 'the largest networked chess computer' in history!" 2,070 machines from over 50 countries competed against one chess Grand Master. The game ended in a draw. As of September 1, 2004, this record is an official 2005 Guiness World Record for "The World's Largest Networked Chess Computer."

The project software is available as a GUI client for Windows and as a command-line client for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and FreeBSD. Version 3.0126.02 of the Windows graphical client is available as of January 26, 2004. Version 3.0129.01 of the Linux command-line client is available as of January 29, 2004. Version 3.0124.01 of the Mac OSX command-line client is available as of January 24, 2004. The Linux client can be run on FreeBSD (if you have Linux binary compatibility loaded under FreeBSD).

ongoing Windows 32
The Pancakes project continues the work begun in Al Zimmerman's latest programming contest, the Pancakes Programming Contest: the project will exhaustively prove one or more of the solutions discovered in the contest. See the contest page for details about the puzzle. For now, this project is verifying whether the l9(45) stack takes 50 flips to be sorted.

Note that this project doesn't have a website. The project is discussed in the AlZimmermannsProgrammingContests Yahoo! Group.

The project found a +4 solution to the 41 pancakes stack on July 1, 2004. It found a +5 solution to the 42 pancakes stack on July 18, 2004. It finished all of the stacks it was assigned as of August 26, 2004, and the project is complete unless it is assigned more stacks.

To participate in the project, download and run the client application. Version 1.2 of the client is available as of July 19, 2004.

The current status of the project as of July 19, 2004:

(46,TF) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 12 15 10 13 16 11 14 9 17 20 18 22 24 21 19 
23 25 29 32 27 30 33 28 31 26 34 37 35 39 41 38 36 40

Not yet explored

(46,TG) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 11 9 14 12 10 15 13 16 20 23 18 21 24 19 22 
17 25 29 32 27 30 33 28 31 26 34 37 35 40 38 36 41 39

Not yet explored

(45,TE) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 11 9 14 12 10 15 13 16 19 17 22 20 18 23 21 
24 28 31 26 29 32 27 30 25 33 36 34 39 37 35 40 38

Solved in 44 flips

(46,TC) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 11 9 13 15 12 10 14 16 20 23 18 21 24 19 22 
17 25 29 32 27 30 33 28 31 26 34 37 35 39 41 38 36 40

Solved in 45 flips

(47,TD) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 12 15 10 13 16 11 14 9 17 21 24 19 22 25 20 
23 18 26 30 33 28 31 34 29 32 27 35 37 40 36 39 42 38 41

This should be a +5

(48,TA) 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 8 12 15 10 13 16 11 14 9 17 21 24 19 22 25 20 
23 18 26 30 33 28 31 34 29 32 27 35 39 42 37 40 43 38 41 36

Solved in 47 flips (2 solutions were found)

(49,TB) 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 1 9 13 16 11 14 17 12 15 10 18 22 25 20 23 26 
21 24 19 27 31 34 29 32 35 30 33 28 36 40 43 38 41 44 39 42 37

This one is currently in progress.
ongoing Windows 32

The following icons may appear in the Supported Platforms section of the table:
dialup-friendlythis project is good for users with dialup Internet access
paid projectthis is a for-pay project
Windows 32this project runs on the Windows 32-bit platform
Linuxthis project runs on the Linux platform
MacOSthis project runs on the Mac OS platform
Solaristhis project runs on the Solaris platform
